At Heneni, we provide enrichment training and workshops focused on personal growth and the development of creative thinking.
With over 25 years of experience, our workshops, seminars and personalized coaching sessions, have changed the lives of hundreds of people worldwide.
Heneni means "I am".
But it's not that simple. Heneni also means, I am present in this moment. I am here to answer the call, I am here to serve.
When God called out to Moshes from the burning bush, Moshes answered Heneni, not quite realizing the journey he was about to undertake. But it was on that journey that he discovered his true purpose and it was on that journey, through his own trials, he became a leader.
Heneni is basically the way I view the world and was born out of a desire to support any person committed to the process of self-discovery. The purpose of the workshops and sessions, are to help you connect to who you really are, figure out what your life purpose is, to awaken the connection to the true potential that exists in each and every one of us and thereby to express that amazing uniqueness that transforms our lives into a life full of meaning and happiness.
Consultations, Coaching, Supervision, Seminars and workshops